Healthy Habits for future fitness
A bespoke Personal Training service that provides holistic support to build healthy habits that will keep your body flexible, mobile and strong.
A bespoke Personal Training service that provides holistic support to build healthy habits that will keep your body flexible, mobile and strong.
Truth is, it doesn’t actually matter how old you are, it’s never too early or too late to start looking after your body as well as it looks after you.
As life expectancy increases and pressure on the health system also increases, we will all be expected to take responsibility for our own health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.
All movement and activity counts, so let’s work out a programme that fits in with your lifestyle and preferences to build healthy habits for your future fitness. It starts here.
Let’s turn those excuses into healthy habits that you can stick to. First we’ll identify what it is that prevents you from sticking to a good, healthy exercise and eating plan.
We will work together to establish your preferences around exercise. We will also look at lifestyle, stress, medical issues
If the only time you ever lift heavy above your shoulders is when you put your carry on luggage in the overhead lockers on an aeroplane, then you are in danger of hurting yourself!
How are you feeling? Good? Slept well last night?
Bounced out of bed and put your undies and socks on without needing to sit down? If things are aching and creaking a bit are you doing anything to combat that? Getting older is not an excuse I’m afraid! Losing skills should not happen but we need to actively combat the inevitable wear and tear on our amazing bodies and do all we can to help ourselves stay physically and mentally independent.
It’s not just about looking good, but it’s about feeling good too. Life expectancy is increasing so we need to make sure those extra years are spent as physically independent and strong for as possible. It’s never too early to take responsibility for our joint and muscle strength, our cardiovascular fitness and our mobility. But if it’s not part of your daily routine and you don’t know where to start and think it’s too late to make a difference to you, then let me help you start to build healthy habits for your future fitness. Your body and brain will thank you.
Weight loss is a common goal, but I’d rather focus on how much exercise makes you feel strong and move well, gives you energy and keeps you able to do everyday activities without heaving and sighing, or getting grumpy because things you used to be able to do easily are now a challenge.
Your goal could be simply that you want to get on the floor to play with your child, pet, or grandchild and, more importantly, be able to get up again comfortably. Let’s look at some strength and flexibility goals.
Or you may be looking to shave time off a half marathon or the Tour de Vendée, in which case, let’s shake up those long continuous runs and bike rides with some interval training.
Or perhaps you want to be able to take the stairs at work but currently it leaves you too breathless and embarrassed. Let’s start with some gentle cardio.
Whatever your goal, the gains made from building time into your day to exercise are huge. Injury and disease prevention, joint pain reduction, increase in confidence, weight loss, and increased muscle strength. There are no downsides!
Can you touch your toes? Can you get up and down from a chair without “ouff”-ing? Can you squat down to the floor to greet your adoring pet/child/grandchild, and get up again? I hate to tell you but the phrase “use it or lose it” is spot on when it comes to mobility and flexibility. If you spend all day sat at a desk and move to your sofa for the evening, your body will adapt to the lack of movement and will struggle when you suddenly need to run for the bus.
Strength training challenges our patterns of movement which helps maintain mobility and flexibility and greatly enhances your chances of keeping physically independent and healthy. Why wouldn’t you want that?
Let’s turn those excuses into healthy habits that you can stick to. First we’ll identify what it is that prevents you from sticking to a good, healthy exercise and eating plan. Do you hate the gym? Too self conscious to go, or don’t know what to do once you’re there? Do you tell yourself that you don’t have time? Maybe you’re tried things before but nothing really stuck? Have plateau-ed and lost interest? Or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and taking that first step is proving elusive. Once we’ve established the barriers we can work on motivators and accountability that will help keep you on progressing and feeling great.
Guidelines for physical activity, agreed across multiple well respected organisations including NHS website, World Health Organisation, American College of Sports Medicine and the Government’s Chief Medical Officer suggest 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise. That’s half an hour five times a week, plus two days of strength training. That may sound a lot if you currently do nothing at all, but that is the minimum recommended to keep physically independent and give yourself the best chance to keep heart disease, diabetes, dementia and many other diseases at bay. If it seems overwhelming we can break it down into small achievable steps.
Is the only time you lift heavy above your shoulders is when you’re on a plane? Huge risk of injury
Can you stand on one leg to put your socks on?
Do you sit at a desk all day? You’re creating muscle imbalances, that’s why your back hurts
Looking to improve your half marathon time? Hit a training plateau?
You know you should be exercising but you don’t – why is that? Lack of time? Don’t know where to start? Too big a mountain to climb? Hate the gym? But here’s the thing – following an exercise programme not only makes you feel good, it combats the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia. It prevents injury and helps with rehab should you need an operation. Your body and brain need you to do this. Let me help you take that first step to healthy habits, and a fabulously fit and healthy future you.
It’s very important to recognise what will help you maintain healthy exercise habits. I prefer to work out in the mornings as I know if I’ve been at my computer all day I struggle to find the motivation to work out when I’ve finished my meetings. So I get up half an hour earlier to do my workout and then it’s done, I don’t have to spend the day thinking about when I’m going to fit it in and then feeling guilty if I don’t.
But that’s me. What’s your preference? Maybe evenings are your prime exercise time. Or maybe you hate working out on your own and prefer group training sessions.
We can work 1:1 or if you have friends who’d also like to get fit, let’s get a group session together. Circuit training is great fun and very sociable. We can even make it competitive if that’s your motivator!
Are you an ex-football player? Or hockey or rugby? Do you miss the camaraderie of team sports but feel too out of shape to sign up for a local group? Let’s get you to a point where you can play again, it will do wonders for your confidence as well as get you back in shape.
Once we’ve found what will help keep you motivated I can build a bespoke programme of exercises around your preferences to help you hit your goals .